
Thursday, June 24, 2010

About Subhalaxmi


'Subha laxmi' is our team or group, which is started a operating Business or marketing purpose. Subhalaxmi group is a consciously coordinated social unit composed of more people that function on a relatively continuous basis to achieve our business or international marketing goals. It is established 2010. In established our company, it is more purpose or objected like there; financial transaction, to production goods or service e.t.c. In this period, we can bring a powerful group or company attempts by Capital Investment. In achieve our goals, we need to your creativity, your thought, and plan. Therefore we warmly welcomed or invited that your help or suggestion are always need to our group, our company.
Our Aim.

1. To develop the globalization of business.
In our "Subha laxmi group", we can run away the globalization of business. our main target is to compose the worldwide market. Therefore we need to more capital investment.
2. To develop the financial transaction.
Our specific objective of operation the financial transaction. That is:
„X Row materials purchased / sales.
„X Herbal materials {e.g. coffee, ginger} production / purchased / sales.

3. To increase in earning profit.
Our main mission to earning a profit. we can operational financial transaction, row materials purchased / sales , which is sources of earning profit.
4. Team work.
Our group remains multiple members. Therefore we all member stay involve in our group or company

If any advice or suggestion with you please give us. We warmly welcome your views.

Mobile: +9779847316864

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